The elegant girls guide to dating – First date

Now that everyone is back from summer holiday, it’s time for the mating season to begin.

For those of you that have followed me for a while, you know I am a stickler on first date etiquette for ladies.

Since I live in NY and restaurant tables can be quite close, I get to see first hand all the horrendous mistakes some ladies make on first dates.

Therefore, here’s an expanded version for your reading pleasure.

Proper attire

Wear elegant clothing that flatters your body type. It does not have to be so formal and over the top, just classy. Look at Pinterest and preview images for inspo. You have plenty of time to be sexy if the relationship blooms into something real.


Wear your hair down. Wearing a bun is for working-out, not first dates.


Ladies, first impressions are everything. Please do your hair, nails (no black nail polish), and shave/wax, and wear perfume.


Men generally do not like baked-on makeup. Your makeup should enhance your beautiful facial features. Less is more.

Keep the bling at home.

Don’t go over the top; simple and understated dainty jewelry is excellent. After all, you are the one to shine.

Body language

Stand and sit up straight as it allows your date to feel you are listening with intent and engaging in conversation. Do not walk too fast because it shows you are nervous or slow. Make eye contact because it says a lot about you.


Do not be loud, speak in an aggressive tone, or use manly words. It does not impress men; it makes them uncomfortable if they wanted to go out with the guys they would have made plans. Drawing attention to yourself in any form sends a message that you have low self-esteem.


Please do not order a beer. It’s a manly drink. Order something more feminine like wine, champagne, or martini. If you must order a beer, have it poured in a nice glass.

Post date text

Whether he “wowed” you, or not send a thank you text with a goodnight. Everyone wants to feel appreciated no matter the gender.

Do you have any tips? Let us know in the comments below.

Sending love vibes! 💋


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