Adopt these traits to be an invaluable woman

In my 20’s, I was a lost soul. Not having a reliable life compass as I was consumed by college and two jobs that I barely had time to put a priority on my value as a woman.  

However, by the time I entered my thirties, a transformation occurred where I learned to not only value myself, but transform from the inside out. Having done the heavy mental lifting allowed me to get the best out of life. 


Photo credit: Northern Lights Rance

Check out these traits to live by to be an invaluable woman:  

Build Your Self Esteem 

No one is born with self-esteem. It is like a muscle you have to work on daily. When you radiate with confidence, many doors open for you. You do not need validation, from anyone, thing, or pet. You don’t allow criticism to affect you, or rock your world. 

Tips for building your self-esteem:   

  • Know your worth:   When you do not know your worth, you are always selling yourself at a discount, and guess what? It only attracts bargain low budge hunters, so know your worth and attract the person you deserve.
  • Ignore people who undermine you, dare to cut off people in your life that are in the way of your quest for a better future.
  • Celebrate even the smallest wins like catching up on your e-mails. Learn how to praise yourself every time you accomplish something. 
  • Take care of yourself…you deserve it just for the person you are. Take care of your health, your well being, and your appearance.
  • Stop the negative self-talk and self-criticism, One of the worst habits that severely damages your self-esteem is negative self-talk. You can assess your actions and your results, but you should separate your identity as a person from the things you did wrong. These things do not define who you are, because you can always work on them and change for the better. Practice positive affirmations whenever you say to yourself that you are not worthy or not enough.
  • Practice gratitude every day, remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive and of all the good things in your life and the great people you have around you.

Love yourself 

Say no to things, people, or situations that do not serve your highest good.  

Have a life

Men do not value women who are always free…because it indicates that they are not doing much of their lives.  

Do not settle for less than you deserve 

Having standards and going by them is essential for your self-esteem because you are really putting yourself first when you set rules. Your standards should be as high as your heels. 😜

Care for others, but you are not a doormat 

Be kind and generous with your time and energy, but be discriminating as some people may find your kindness as a weakness.  

I hope these tips are helpful on your journey to a better version of you.  

Sending love vibes! 💋

Featured photo credit:


  1. Magda Schenone

    Bravo 👏 👏 Great article.
    Yes, Gratitude 🙏 and thanks for everything, have compassion, be kind and care to others, help as much as you can,
    All the time and love ❤️ yourself first!
    Sending you positive vibes.
    Xoxo 😘

  2. SimpleSerenity

    Yesss, love this post so much. It’s so important to build confidence step by step, to completely accept yourself the way you are. Love the last one also, it’s so important to be kind, but also don’t let people walk all over you. xx

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