How to spend Galentine’s Day like boss ladies

Galentine’s Day is February 13th!

It’s such a special day as it allows you to celebrate and cherish your treasured friend, or friends. Relationships are fleeting, but an incredible enlightened bestie is forever!

Have a look at these ideas on how to spend Galentine’s day like Boss Ladies:

High Tea

Treat your selves like royalty while sipping tea and eating these delectable treats. 😋

Go dancing

Skip the gym cardio and head out to a club, or lounge.  Dancing will put you in the best of moods as your brain releases happy endorphins.

Color Me Mine

This stress relieving activity generates wellness, quietness, mindfulness and the exact same benefits which meditation imparts on the brain.

Netflix Pajama Party

Binge watch your favorite shows while eating healthy, or naughty fun treats!  It’s pretty entertaining to shout out unfiltered commentary on a flick with your bestie!

Spa Day

“Treat yo selves,” be queens for the day!  The therapeutic benefits are endless when you take the time to pamper yourselves.

Friends are like stars you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there.

Namaste!  💋

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Photo credits: Feature image,, disco ball image (Planet Blue), Color me Mine image (s-nedia-cache ak), spa photo Genial,, pajama party image (


    1. IngridMadisonAve

      Ha ha, did not know that til now. Whenever I am in London, or anywhere in the world I take the time to do Tea time with sweet friends. It’s so peaceful and a delicious way to celebrate life. Thank you!

  1. Kerry LifeandLoves

    Ohh I love these ideas. Afternoon tea and a netflix pyjama party would be my top picks. Or going to a fashion exhibition, The Victoria and Albert Museum here in London does amazing ones! Great ideas Ingrid, enjoy however you spend yours

    1. IngridMadisonAve

      Thank you so much! I 💖 the Fashion Exhibit idea. That sounds like fun! Much appreciate you reading and commenting. Have a lovely day! 🤗🌹

  2. Invisible Girl

    I was unaware of Galentine’s day… But I just have to celebrate now! I think the best way me and my best friend would celebrate would be. Coffee date with our laptops and blogs. We both love writing and coffee, what’s better than sitting in Starbucks or Costa, sipping and typing?

    XOXO Invisible Girl.

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