Tech day Sunday – You can now follow hashtags on Instagram just like Pinterest & Twitter

This week Instagram took hashtags to another level by introducing “follow hashtags.”
It’s almost like Pinterest, and Twitter, but different because you also have your friends in the mix of following.
This new cool as bananas feature is all fun and games until you realize that everyone can see what hashtags you follow if you do not make it private.  Set your account to private, so the hashtags you follow will only be visible to your followers.
Here’s how it works:


1) Search a hashtag that interests you in Instagram.

2) At the top of the hashtag landing page, you’ll see a “Follow” button. Click on it.

3) Now you’ll be able to see the best posts under that hashtag in your regular Instagram feed and your Instagram Stories bar. Below is an example of what a photo from a hashtag you follow looks like in your feed. You can choose to unfollow a hashtag any time.

4) Other users will also be able to see what hashtags you follow by tapping on the “Following” section on your profile. Your Following list will be separated by “People” (AKA the users you follow now) and “Hashtags.” It’ll look like this:

This new feature will allow us to efficiently use the app instead of using it to see pretty pictures.
Sending happy fun day Sunday vibes! 💋

Follow me on any of these social media links:


Photo credit:  Dominik Pichler saved to Instagram Inspiration,One from the last @aishtiworld campaign we did at #sagmeisterwalsh with @alltelleringet by jessicavwalsh


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