What is the sexiest trait in anyone?

Every day is an opportunity to do so some self-reflection. However, December is best because we can enter the New Year like a snake who has shed their old skin.

The sexiest trait anyone can have is courage.  Living authentically and dancing to the beat of your own tunes regardless of what others think of you.  The greatest courage a person faces is committing to taking responsibility for something greater than themselves, like family and children.

Letting go of the familiar is hard, but why hold on to people, or situations that don’t serve your highest purpose?

Here are some tools to help become daringly courageous:

  1. Shamelessly write down a list of fears you have. As you write down your fears, ask yourself “am I feeling anxiety, good?” Voila, now you can target what you need to work on. The more scared you feel about something, the greater benefit you’ll reap by doing it.
  2. Write down a strategy to combat those fears. For example, if you are afraid of driving alone on a highway, you can develop a plan to help you get used to it until you have the courage to take on the task. Drive with a friend or family member as much as you can then drive alone on a small street, or an empty parking lot.
  3. Write down the feeling you will have once you have overcome a fear, or anxiety.  Imagine having a life filled with joy and freedom.
  4. Meditate in the am, or pm for at least five minutes.  It will help you relax and develop inner strength.  Gradually with regular meditation your mind starts becoming comfortable with fear and other emotions. When we stop resisting our fear, initially in meditation, and later in all phases of our life, our innate courage, which is an aspect of our inner being, shines through.


Namaste!  🙏🏼

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Photo credit:  Ani Rokhvadze, visualoptimismblogspot.com; fashion editorials, shows, campaigns & more!: god save the queen: alina baikova by xavi gordo for elle spain october 2013



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