Are you a discount version of yourself?

According to motivational speaker Tim Storey, we often find ourselves so far away from the “real you” because of life’s setbacks. You settle for a discounted version of what you could be.

Some people have great dreams but do not have the character, or the discipline to convert them into reality because they decide to stay in the negative place instead of changing their way of thinking to breakthrough their circumstance.

Here are some tips to help you break out of the negative mental space that is keeping you from living the life you want:

1. Stop judging and beating yourself up because no good can come of this psychological state.  All you end up doing is creating more dissatisfactory events.

2.  Break free of guilty feelings that don’t serve you.  Have the courage to forgive yourself.  Guilt is a wasted emotion.

3.  Accept yourself exactly where you are now and make a decision based on what your soul desires and not what others want from you.

4.  Practice self-care and love of yourself.  When you practice self-love you begin to make better choices in life.

5. Project yourself in the future with your whole being.  Everything within you will ensure that dream. This trick reduces sadness and fear.

6. Tell yourself that you are enough. Let go of false narratives in your mind. When we know, we are enough we create healthier outcomes.

7. Create significant and scary positive changes. This raises your vibration of a “can do” attitude.

8. Keep negative people at bay. Negative friends or family zap your positive energy.  More negativity creates more of the same dead-end results.

9. Learn to meditate. Studies show that meditation is useful in creating a positive state of mind.

10. Declutter your home. The seasons are often the best time to declutter your space. When you declutter your home, your spirit will feel better as there are things that remind us of an unpleasant past that hold us back.

The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light – S. Ajna

Sending positive, loving vibes! 💋

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Photo credit:  Indah clothing, The Cool Hour on Pinterest



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